Welcome to askdads!
I am John, and I am the lead guitarist of this site.
I’m just a not-so-normal dad who loves to share his ideas and thoughts, but I am also very much interested in what other parents have to say.
I have four other humans I created, and I live life utilizing the laptop lifestyle thanks to blogging and the internet.
I am a US Army Veteran, and I have held several other jobs.
I’ve tried my hand at running a bar, and like most of you, I’ve joined a number of multilevel marketing gigs, which I’m not so proud of.
These days, things are a lot different, and I’m grateful for the family that God has blessed me with.
We aren’t your typical family, but we definitely live life to the fullest.
When we’re not at the mall, you can find us playing soccer on the pitch or playing golf, enjoying the troubles of the sport and the beauty that the courses possess.
We love eating out, movie nights, and finding better ways to do things.
Besides those “fun” things, we do have our share of nonsense.
Mom and Dad fights, sibling battles, and toddler tantrums are definitely a part of our lives.
We are not perfect, but we are willing to learn and share that knowledge with the rest of the world.
About This Site
Everything that deals with being a parent is no easy task, and we completely understand.
From the minute your first baby comes to how to change a diaper all the way to finding the best diaper bag, you can bet that we know how complicated things get.
I wasn’t born a parent, so of course, I had to do lots of learning and growing on my own.
That learning allowed me to see things differently, and that is exactly what I wanted to share on this site.
As consumers, we always need to know if our next purchase is going to be a worthwhile investment, and that’s where we come into play.
We love to look into products and help others save money, so that’s a big part of what we do here.
If you want more information on your next purchase and you can’t find any information, feel free to contact us, and we can do the research for you.
With Askdads.com, I am able not just to share but also network with so many other amazing parents.
From all the how-to posts and countless reviews, I could not ask for a better place to do them than on Askdads.com.
We hope you enjoy the content provided, and don’t forget that we are real people too.
Don’t forget to follow us!