Cooler Keg: Drink Draft Beer Whenever and Wherever You Want

By John Cruz

Last Updated:

Who doesn’t like draft beer?

I love it, and it’s the way I choose to drink my beer IF I have the opportunity to choose.

However, this opportunity only comes when I’m at a bar or on a staycation at some hotel.

Besides that, I don’t get draft beer outside of a bar, like in the old days of keg parties in high school.

So, what do we draft beer lovers resort to?

Well, nothing.

Unless we’re brewing our own stuff or buying a keg for a big party, draft beer is not something we have easy access to.

That sucks, and some have even tried to create their own Keg-type cooler.

That was great for that one time but was too much of a hassle.

Nothing has changed since then…until maybe today when this thing called the Cooler Keg hit the scene.

Draft beer is now a thing from home, and I want to tell you all about it.

Introducing…Cooler Keg


Cooler Keg is one of the “cooler” inventions of the year, and it has not hit any stores.


Cooler Keg is a portable kegerator in the form of a cooler that provides draft beer, all without the extra stuff that comes with a regular keg.

It uses the same regulators and gages that bars and restaurants use, and it works exactly like them.

It’s the same size as a standard cooler and looks exactly like one.

The inside of the cooler stows the keg’s components and possibly a little extra if need be.

There is more to know about this bad boy, so let’s get right into things.

Draft Beer + Others


Initially, Cooler Keg is designed to give you draft beer wherever you want, but it can do more than that.

For the better half or some of you seltzer drinkers, the Cooler Keg can also take other beverages.

  • Hard seltzers
  • Soft drinks
  • Soda water
  • Tonic
  • Wine Spritzers
  • Apple cider
  • Sparkling water
  • Cocktails
  • Champagne
  • Homebrew

Cooler Keg is Simple and Easy to Use

One of the great things about the Cooler Keg is that it is stupidly simple to set up and use.

All you need to do is fill it, chill it, hook it up in four quick clicks, and turn her on.

Your Cooler Keg is now ready to spit out some wonderful tasting beverages.

With ice packs, Cooler Keg can keep the beer cold.

If you forgot to freeze the ice packs that come with them, regular old ice will work just fine.

Cooler Keg is Easy to Clean

Cleaning the Keg Cooler can seem like a daunting task, but it’s not as bad as it sounds.

All you have to do is flush the Cooler Keg with water, sanitize it with a sanitizer, and then flush it out with some CO2.

I used to own a bar, and the daily clean-up of kegerators is quite the task.

I know we’re not using bar equipment, but it’s good to know that the Cooler Keg doesn’t require much when it comes to cleaning.

Cooler Keg Requirements

One of the best things about the Cooler Keg is that it does not require any tools.

Setting up an actual Kegerator is not the hardest task, but it does come with certain tools.

With the Cooler Keg, you don’t even need a wrench.

It’s all a matter of connecting hoses and filling up the Cooler Keg with your favorite beverage.

Cooler Keg and Golf?

There are many reasons why people play golf, and drinking beer just so happens to be one of them.

I love everything about golf, and I like to drink beer.

However, I’m not one that combines the two.

Occasionally I’ll have a beer or two, but you won’t see me out on the course getting drunk.

Now, there are many that do, and that is amazing.

I just can’t do it, maybe because I’m too busy trying to get better.

Whatever the case may be, the Cooler Keg is here for golfers too.

Take it out on the course all you want.

Just remember that you WILL need a designated driver when your round is done.

Where to Buy Cooler Keg


I know, I know, the Cooler Keg is pretty awesome.

Now, where can you buy a Cooler Keg?

Currently, the Keg Cooler is a crowdfunded project and can only be found on Indiegogo.

Indiegogo is a crowdfunding platform where product creators showcase their products to have others “back” them.

If you like a product, you “back” these creators, and Indiegogo is one of those places.

Buy a Cooler Keg on Indiegogo and get 30% off and free shipping.

Conclusion – Get Yourself a Cooler Keg

I know the Cooler Keg will not get rid of your dad bod, but who or what will stop you from drinking beer, especially when it’s draft?

Take your drinking experience to another level, wow your friends, and enjoy some draft beer wherever you want.

And, if you don’t have any friends due to your awesomeness of being a better dad, enjoy the Cooler Keg with your better half.

I think the Cooler Keg is worth backing, and I’m sure you’ll appreciate having draft beer available whenever you want.

Your thoughts?


About the author

With four humans of his own, John is our parenting expert. He loves being a dad, and when he's not trying to work on his golf game, you'll find him at his kid's soccer games or at the mall with his kids.

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